Wednesday, September 26, 2018

My independence

There are plenty of things I miss in my life such as my dogs that have passed or my friends in Chicago that I moved away from. But I think the biggest thing that I miss is my independence. When I was younger I was able to do everything physically myself.  A memory that I always have is climbing up the cabinet like a monkey to get sweets.  My mom had always hid them from me because I always had too much sugar .
As I got a little bit older, I had a job at a nursing home. Here I was able to do pretty much everything h on my own. I would wheel myself (I was using the wheelchair by this time) up and down the long hallways and if I had to use the bathroom I would go without any assistance. One thing I remember most is serving hot coffee to the residents without spilling or dropping the mugs.
When I was at college I was also still able to do quite a few things on my own like get out of bed and use the bathroom on campus. I liked to go tanning so I would be able to get in and out of the tanning bed myself.
Now I can’t do any of these things myself without assistance. I hate having to rely on other people to do a simple task like using the restroom. I miss being independent and able to do things.

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